Lately, I've been traveling. A lot. Here's a vague report of my adventures:

First on the list, traveling to DC. Getting there was the most stressful, yet fulfilling traveling experience to date. I was running a little late for my flight, so I wasn't sure that I'd make it anyway. After probably a mile sprint to the gate, I made it just in time - thank you half marathon training. I had also checked in a little late, so I was in the back of the boarding line. I get on the plane, hear that the whole plane is booked, and naturally head to the back. When I get there, there are no seats left, so I head back to the front where I find a single seat with all kinds of junk in it from the two men on either side. Excuse me, did you hear that the whole plan is booked? Move your junk. So I sit down, and after some baggage issues get solved, I settle in to sleep for the flight. Next, the men on either side start talking, a lot. So long sleep, but then they acknowledge me, begin asking questions, etc. I come to find out that one of them had worked in Jackson that day and loves my favorite sushi restaurant and, at the end of the flight, the other gives me his business card, which, if I play my cards right, could come in handy in the future. The Lord provides. I got off the plane, knowing that my travel had really just begun. There was still the bus, amtrack, metro, and walk to my buddy's apartment ahead. Note that I have the best friends in the world because, to my surprise, he was there at the airport to meet me. What a guy.
I spent the week in the nation's capital. Lots of solo exploring, reading, and thinking occurred. More on that later.

After this week, I got back on a plane, this time headed south. New Orleans greeted me in its typical fashion: baggage confusion, rudeness, etc.
Love that place. I was in the NOLA, this time, to watch another great friend of mine graduate with his Masters degree, help him move, and enjoy the fine cuisine that can actually be found in the city. I completed all of these tasks, namely the cuisine: oysters, alligator, all of the fine things.
Next up, the drive from NOLA to Huntsville. I love to drive, so this was no problem. Moved in my friend's stuff, spent some time learning where he came from and just enjoying spending time with him. The Lord has blessed my life with some incredible people.

I next went from Huntsville to Nashville where I met up with even more incredible people. We did lots of 'Nashville things' including Opryland's lights. It was a nice start to the week of Christmas.
Finally, the drive from Nashville home. I spent two weeks traveling much of the Eastern US only to come home to the tiny town of Lexington. I'm thankful for the time that I spent here growing up, but it is no place to be after a few good weeks of culture. For this reason, I'm heading out again on Monday. Back to my favorite city, Washington, D.C. Adventures will be had.
On another note, it's Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas! I'm so thankful that my savior came to this earth in the form of a human child and that I am able to celebrate his birth at this time. I am even more thankful that this child grew to conquer sin and death, all for you and me. Praise the Lord!