I can't believe how quickly this semester went by and what a whirlwind it was. I feel like so much happened, and yet I can't put my finger on any one point or one lesson. Still unpacking it all.
In other news, I am currently sitting in Washington, D.C. awaiting my plane to Vienna.
I'm feeling super anxious, super nervous, super insecure about my trip. Also, super excited and ready to begin this journey.
When all of the study abroad students at Union were preparing for our trips this semester, they asked us to write out goals and keep them with us to remind of us of just why we are doing this. They said this will make it easier when the homesickness and the culture shock hit for the first time. I feel that it's only appropriate to write them here.
First, I'm doing this because of the cultural awareness that I lack. I've been exposed to very few cultures, and I feel that it is vital to learn about other people and their way of life.
Second, I'm doing this because of the career benefits. This experience will beef up my resume like no other. Furthermore, it will help to decide if international diplomacy is really the way that I want to go in the future.
Third, I'm doing this to learn Arabic. I think it's an extremely unique language that has so much relevance in today's international sphere. This goal is indelibly tied to number 2.
Fourth, I'm doing this in order to grow, to become an adult, and to learn to live and to live well.
First, I want to do a lot of soul-searching through this trip. This semester has been full of it, but I feel that being removed from everything that I know and love will enable me to really discover who I have become and to further unpack those things that I have learned this year. This goal includes a fierce revitalization of my relationship with Christ.
Second, I want to be able to converse in Arabic. Note that I said converse. Do I expect to be fluent? NO. Do I expect to be functional? Yes.
Fourth, I want to rid myself of a couple of new staffs that I've picked up along the way.
Those are just a few of the things that I'm looking forward to on this trip, and I'm certain that more are to come.
I plan to update this blog pretty regularly, but I honestly don't know a lot about my schedule or how things will be when I get over there.
Although you can't send me mail in Jordan, you can definitely keep up with me here, and I would love for my inbox to be full of your emails. Send them to kirby.lewis13@gmail.com.
The next time you hear from me, I'll be across the Atlantic. Crazy.life.
The next time you hear from me, I'll be across the Atlantic. Crazy.life.