Ever since I arrived in Costa Rica, I'd been on the lookout for incredible New Year's Eve plans. Finding very little except for a few words about a place called Zapote, we we didn't have much with which to run. Secondly, our other friend arrived that night and we struggled with choosing to go out or to wait for him. While walking around the city talking about just what we were going to do, I had one of those epiphanies where you recognize where you are and that everything really is crazy and you might as well make spur of the moment decisions. Without Sarah's approval, I hailed the nearest cab and we jumped in on our way to this 'Zapote'.
One of the rides (picture at the top-right) was so dangerous that we were obligated to try it out. Basically, the ride spun around and jerked a lot, but it was actually really dangerous because there were absolutely no straps. Your only safety was your ability to hold on to the tiny metal bar at your back. While terrifying and mildly painful, it was a lot of fun.
When the fair closed, we headed out for some dancing and then headed back home to wrap up the night. Needless to say, it was not the New Year's Eve that I had in mind, but it was without a doubt perfect.
I continue to realize that I live the weirdest life. Glad that I can share it with such wonderful people.
And, finally, in classic fashion, I'm going to look back over 2011 and post some resolutions for 2012. While they are not necessarily ground-breaking, I tried to focus on things that I need to accomplish or that I want to do. Goals that are specific are more easily attained, so I chose to make 2012 a year of practicality. Amen.
In 2011,
I traveled to Mexico and South Korea, spent a summer in Jordan, visited Egypt and Lebanon, and wrapped things up in Costa Rica.
I learned tons of Arabic and embraced a people group that I previously didn't understand.
I learned even more about relationships and the power that they have over all parts of life.
I became the Chief Justice of the Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature.
I took definitive steps to start pursuing a career.
I ran a half-marathon in under 2 hours.
I developed a new-found respect and love for my family.
I invested in the lives of freshmen at Union through Focus and Freshman Council.
I spent fall break in Florida with my very best friends making memories that I will cherish forever.
I learned the value of contentment and finally found it in my life.
In 2012, I want to
Go to a band house show in Nashville.
Learn to cook by doing it once a week.
Run a mud race.
Visit Washington, D.C. again.
Read at least 4 books.
Take the Foreign Service Officer Test.
Visit friends at their colleges.
Go kayaking.
Pay off my credit card.
Apply to Georgetown University for grad school.
Go to Rites of Spring.
Take trips to new places with my family.
And in doing these things, I know that I will learn so much and grow like no other year.
¡Feliz año nuevo!
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