Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cliche New Year Blog

2011 has begun, and I have gotten the privilege of spending all of it, so far, in my favorite city in America.  I have literally been doing nothing, so I've had lots of time to think about what I want the next year of my life to look like.  Now, I realize that what I want it to look like is not at all what it will be.  At the outset of 2010, I had no clue what was coming.  It was undoubtedly one of the best years of my life, one in which I changed and grew exponentially.

In 2010,
I finished my freshman year of college with one of the toughest semesters ever.
I got a dog and learned about taking responsibility for something other than myself. 
I changed a diaper for the first time.
As a result of the last two, I decided I don't know if I ever want to have a child.  
I met and spent the summer with the 20 most incredible people on the planet.
With them, I saw God work in ways that I couldn't imagine both in myself and in others.
I learned so much about relationships and what they mean for both people.  I'm still learning how to construct a healthy one.
I completed organic chemistry and decided that I wasn't meant to be a chemist at all.
I picked up political science and Spanish and determined a new career path.
I spent the semester having a blast with three of my best friends and roommates.
I learned so much from them about having a balanced life.  
I recognized that I should travel while I have the chance, and I've done it extensively throughout the north and southeast.
I ate oysters, hummus, kimchi and a host of other new foods.
I skipped classes, hung out with people over doing homework did a host of things I normally wouldn't do, and ultimately, enjoyed life for the first time.

It was an incredible year, and I know that 2011 will bring so much more.

I'm terrible at setting goals and sticking to them.  If I put them here, I'll have accountability.  Here's what I expect out of you, 2011.

I want to save $50 a month (note that I'm in college, so this is fairly significant).
I want to tithe $50 a month (see note above).
I want to find a mentor.
I want to read a book every 3 months and make at least one of these be in Spanish.
I want to set up spending spring semester of 2012 in a Hispanic country (I recognize that this is a goal really for 2012, but all of the set up will occur in 2011).
I want to run a half marathon and, at least, two 5-K's.
I want to take a trip to a new place every 3 months.
I want to blog at least twice a month.

Additionally, I desire to take initiative to gain the opportunities I desire, to learn from others as much as possible, to have lunch with people I don't normally hang out with, to learn to ask questions, to read and watch more news, and to try new foods.

Here's to you 2011.

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